Der movisens SensorManager bietet Ihnen eine einfache Schnittstelle für die Arbeit mit allen movisens Sensoren. Mit dem SensorManager können Sie sich, die Details Ihrer Sensorkonfiguration anzeigen lassen, Messungen starten (einschließlich Messungen mit verzögertem Start) und die vom Sensor erfassten Daten abrufen. Auch weist der SensorManager auf neue Versionen der Sensor-Firmware hin und ermöglicht es Ihnen diese direkt zu installieren.
Neue Features:- Verbesserte Interoperabilität zwischen Sensor und movisensXS: Die Kopplung von Sensor und movisensXS ist stabiler
- Auslesen langer Messungen optimiert: Die Daten-Übertragung vom Sensor auf den Computer bei sehr langen Messungen (mehrere Tage oder Wochen) ist stabiler.
- Verbesserte Usability des SensorManager
- Multi-Part-Messung: Zeigt der Batteriestand des Sensors weniger als 10% an, schaltet der Sensor automatisch in den Standby-Modus. Die Messung wird dadurch nicht beendet, sondern pausiert. Der Sensor kann über USB zum Aufladen angesteckt werden. Die Messung wird dann wieder aufgenommen, wenn man den Sensor vom Ladekabel trennt und der Batteriestand mehr als 30% anzeigt.
- Keine Unterbrechung der Messung: Steckt man den Sensor nach dem eine Messung gestartet wurde, wieder an einen PC an, wird die Messung nicht gestoppt, sondern ein Hinweis auf die derzeit laufende Messung gegeben.
- Batteriecheck: Ist der Akku-Ladezustand des Sensors zu Beginn einer Messung kleiner als 10%, kann die Messung nicht gestartet werden.
- Probandenkonfiguration: Die personenbezogenen Daten der Probanden können schon vor Messbeginn eingetragen und gespeichert werden.

- Move 4, EcgMove 4, EdaMove 4, LightMove 4
- Move 3, EcgMove 3, EdaMove 3 LightMove 3
- Move II, ekgMove, edaMove
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version des SensorManagers verwenden, um von den kontinuierlichen Verbesserungen und Firmware-Updates unserer Sensoren zu profitieren.
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System Requirements
The SensorManager requires:
- A PC with Microsoft Windows 7 or higher, 64bit
- USB Terminal
- Administrator rights during installation
- A minimum of 200 MB free space on hard disc
Change History
- Updated sensor firmware (1.16.6)
- Fixed state of charge for new battery generation
- Fixed offset calibration of EdaMove
- Added firmwares to measure skin temperature for Move 4 and EcgMove 4
- Added custom attribute timestampStartUTC to unisens files
- Allow download of measurement even if sensor reports permanent errors
- Updated sensor firmware (1.16.5)
- fixed bug that slowed down USB communication
- fixed bug that caused USB to not respond anymore
- SensorManager disables Bluetooth before opening a Sensor
- Updated sensor firmware (1.16.1)
- Updated sensor protocol to 1.35.0
- LEDs can be controlled via USB
- Avoid access to the sensor via USB and Bluetooth at the same time
- Sensor is resetted if it is unplugged 6 seconds after plugin and no measurement is active
- Improved logging of communication with sensor.
- Bugfix to avoid a sensor to be seen twice by SensorManager
- Updated sensor firmware (1.15.4)
- Fixed bug that resets serial number
- Fixed bug that stopped measurement when recharging (some of the third generation sensors affected)
- Added a workaround for a bug that crashed Sensor while downloading overflowed log data
- Added a workaround for a bug that crashed Sensor while downloading overflowed log data
- Updated sensor firmware (1.15.3)
- Fixed bug in measurement number generator (lead to start time in 1970)
- Fixed sensor crash that happened when SensorManager tried to download an overflowed logbuffer
- Fixed Bluetooth so the sensor can communicate with current Android phones
- Added variant for 4096 Hz ecg
- Fixed wrong start time of delayed recording using sensors with firmware versions older than 1.14.0
- Logs of SensorManager and Sensor are stored in %homepath%\movisens\log
- If an error occurs during download of measurement data, the SensorManager resumes the download at the last valid position on retry
- SensorManager is bundled with Java 11
- Store last start date when sensor is started and show it next time
- Show message that all data will be deleted when updating firmware using Firmware Updater
- Firmware Updater asks if a started sensor should be stopped before update
- Updated sensor firmware (1.15.0)
- Improved Bluetooth handling (input buffer, logging)
- Restricted commands that are received via Bluetooth (e.g. start measurement is only performed if measurement is off)
- Fixed bug when reading huge log buffer via USB
- Optimized USB communication and download of measurement data
- Added shortcut for sensor firmware update
- Fixed missing new line in sensor log
- Download of multipart measurements
- Improved graphical user interface
- Ask to stop sensor when a started sensor is connected
- Proband parameter can be set before sensor start
- Bluetooth can be disabled during measurement
- Age can be calculated using birthday
- Write time zone and time offset to sensor before start
- Fixed GUI freeze when sensor is unpluged right after it is detected
- Unspecified proband info is not written to unisens
- Unspecified time zone info is not written to unisens
- Updated sensor firmware (1.14.2)
- Multiple measurements can be stored on the sensor
- Measurement is stopped automatically if battery is less or equal 10%
- If measurement is stopped because of low battery it is restarted again after the battery is charged to at least 30%
- Information about the user can be set in the sensor (age, heigt, sensorLocation, etc.)
- Bluetooth can be disabled on demand
- Optimized energy consumption of Bluetooth
- Optional live parameters can be activated via Bluetooth
- TimeDeviation monitors deviation of time between sensor and smartphone
- Current time can be set via Bluetooth so the sensor can store timeDeviation
- Duration of measurement to start can be set via Bluetooth
- Measurement can be started via Bluetooth even if an older measurement is not downloaded
- If measurement is stopped via Bluetooth or end is reached all parameters are disabled (to enable parameters disconnect/connect sensor and set indications again)
- Parameters can be enabled after measurement start via Bluetooth
- Updated signal processing (fixed altitude, optimized steps, optimized activity recognition, optimized met)
- Updated met models
- Updated sensor protocol version (1.34.x)
- Tolerate errors on usb connection while downloading data from sensor
- Avoid firmware version to be misinterpreted when characters are included
- Sort sensor parameters that are shown after sensor type
- Avoid truncation by using a bigger text field for sensor type
- A sensor with wrong firmware can now be updated using Firmware Updater
- Updated integrated sensor firmware to version 1.12.7
- Unit of hr is now 1/min
- If no variation of hr is detected, hrvRmssd is 0
- Measurement does not stop because of temporary errors in mass storage
- Measurement can be started again after mass storage overflow
- If mass storage is full and battery is empty measurement is stopped
- Increased speed in mass storage to avoid recording to stop when bluetooth buffering is enabled
- Bluetooth connection enters sleep mode when possible to save energy
- Bluetooth name of 4th generation sensors is now xMove 4
- Sensor automatically disables all buffered bluetooth attributes after measurement stops
- An additional bluetooth attribute (Activated Buffered Characteristics) tells which buffered attributes are currently enabled
- All sensors with bluetooth activated support tempMean
- Deeply discharged sensors start normal
- Updated integrated sensor firmware to version 1.11.79