Ambulatory Assessment and Mobile Monitoring

Measurement of objective parameters with mobile sensors.

Experience Sampling

Experience Sampling with movisensXS experience sampling platform.

Interactive Ambulantory Assessment

Interactive recording of objective and subjective parameters with the experience sampling platform movisensXS and mobile sensors.

Mobile Sensing

mobile sensing with movisensXS and mobile sensors.

Ecological Momentary Interventions

real-time interventions through experience sampling, Mobile Sensing and Sensor Trigger in everyday life

Sedentary Behaviour

Objective recording of Sedentary behaviour using the activity sensor Move 4, the ECG-and activity sensor EcgMove 4 and/or our smartphone-based Experience Sampling with movisensXS.

Activity Monitoring

Objective recording of physical activity with the activity sensor Move 4, the ECG-and activity sensor EcgMove 4 or movisensXS for use in Interactive Ambulatory Assessment.

Sleep Monitoring

Objective recording of sleep with the ECG-and activity sensor EcgMove 4.

HRV Monitoring

Objective recording of the autonomic nervous system with the ECG-and activity sensor EcgMove 4.

EDA Monitoring

Objective recording of electrodermal activity with the EDA-and activity sensor EdaMove 4.

Skin temperature Monitoring

Continuous recording of skin temperature in everyday life with the IR Move 4 or the IR EcgMove 4.