Ecological Momentary Interventions
Today's technology offers a great opportunity to provide user-friendly, personalized EMIs. Thanks to developments from movisens, researchers can implement Ecological Momentary Interventions with ease.
Recommendations for EMIs
movisensXS enables different types of interventions, each differing in the scope of the data used and the complexity of the implementation. In the implementation of the interventions there are many possibilities.
The interventions can be triggered by different events such as the answers in a questionnaire, events occurring on the smartphone (mobile sensing), or values measured by a physiological sensor (Sensor Trigger). However, it is also possible to carry out a complex evaluation on an analysis server, which takes into account the data gathered from questionnaires and physiological sensors.
The resulting interventions present in either the form of text, audio or video. Feedback generated by the server optionally provides additional data for presentation, or the gamification of the intervention.

Possible triggers for the interventions
Questionnaires with branching for direct feedback
Questionnaires can be created in such a way that further content, e.g. interventions, become triggered by certain answers. This branching can use either visibility rulesor by useing mutable values or a combination of both.

Use of smartphone and context information
Situational interventions that occur in real time remain very effective. The use of smartphones or mobile sensor technology serves here to determine the optimal time to intervene. I can also adapt the intervention to a situation or to integrate the situation into the intervention.

Use of sensor information
If, for example, one wants to influence physical activity, using a physiological sensor to trigger interventions under certain conditions (i.e. when sedentary) provides a real time intervention to change behaviour (sensor trigger function).

Use of a web-based infrastructure to determine the status of the respondents
With the previous variations, the intervention triggered depending on the current situation. It’s also possible to factor in previously gathered information in order to detect changes and trends within the interventions by using an analysis server.
With an online platform, data recorded during the study and study configurations can be downloaded and adjusted.
Multiple users can access the online platform and add or manage participants at the same time. In the meantime, direct contact with the participants can be established. Collected data can be automatically statistically evaluated on a daily basis or forwarded in encrypted form.
Advantage: An individual training control is possible

Possible design of interventions
Ecological Momentary Intervention with Gamification
In addition to the implementation of complex intervention schemes, gamification elements allow participants to collect points and move up in levels for carrying out interventions. It’s possible to colour texts in item formats and define more complex visibility rules for item formats. Furthermore, a new ColorPickerItem allows the respondent to choose a colour.
A Mutable Value Editor allows researchers to view and edit Mutable Values during the course of a study, for example to set study branches during the study period. In addition, movisensXS now provides the function for questionnaires to be started for testing independently of the sampling scheme.

Example Studies
EMIcompass Project
Within the framework of the EMIcompass Study, a mobile training was developed that offers help in everyday life when needed. Mobile exercises in the everyday life of the participants are offered by means of a study mobile phone (smartphone). With the goal of strengthening psychological resistance and self-compassion the key study objective.
SmartAct: Research on health behaviour
SmartAct is an interdisciplinary research project with the aim of improving health behaviour in the long term through the use of mobile technologies (smartphones) and interventions.
BipoLife Study
BiPoLife projects demonstrate movisens´ expertise in the development and implementation of complex EMA / mobile sensing studies for the clinical therapy of patients with psychiatric illnesses.
BipoLife A3 - a smartphone based outpatient monitoring of early warning symptoms including real-time data dependent therapeutic intervention in the long-term treatment of bipolar disorder.
CoCA - Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactive disorders
Within the framework of the CoCA-Project, the Institute for Sports and Sports Science of KIT developed an m-Health system in cooperation with movisens. This system generates individualized feedback and sends memories of the current treatment in order to motivate the participants more for the exercises of the intervention and also for light therapy.
Useful Information
Ecological Momentary Interventions, or EMIs, are real-time treatments offered to people in their everyday life within their natural environment.