Seminars at movisens

Thanks to our recent relocation we now have the space to grow our team, and also to offer training here at our own premises! Our new office space allows us to offer seminars in the field of ambulatory assessment/mobile monitoring to researchers and research groups. This allows research teams to undertake basic training in the best methods for gathering physiological and/or experience sampling data and provides a great opportunity to clarify all the important issues they may face in their upcoming study. The training includes both a theoretical and practical component.

If you or your research group would like to attend a training seminar, please contact us at We will announce upcoming dates for seminars here on our news page, and via our newsletter which you can subscribe to below. On average we send only one newsletter per month, so it shouldn't hurt your inbox too much!

New movisensXS update June 2017

We made some improvements to the study list:

• We list only the studies you can access
• Study list sorted by creation date (newest on top)
• Added an estimate of active participants
• Dates displayed in an easier to read format

We have also made some User Interface and Usability Improvements:

• A new beta feature shows the status of the participant. If this status is incorrect (due to network issues), please pause and start the study again.
• Improved listing of the access rights of your users on the administration tab
• We updated the example Screenshots in our sampling docs
• Fixed sending broken links to participants in the messages window
• Speed improvements

Ambulatory Cognition Tests in movisensXS

If the words Psychomotor Vigilance Task, Dual N Back, or Sustained Attention to Response Test prick up your ears, then we have some good news. We've integrated these cognition tests into movisensXS, allowing you to gather objective data on your participants through their smartphones.
Now you can perform ambulatory measurements of cognitive performance in addition to the collection of behavioual and subjective data.
If you have a test that you'd like to implement that's not currently available in movisensXS, please get in touch with us and share your ideas. We can help develop them with you, allowing you to carry out your study according to your ideas!
For more information on the cognition tests click here!

New sensor EdaMove 3 now available

The EdaMove sensor emerges fresh from the lab with its version 3 upgrade complete. The same high quality data you’ve come to trust and respect, now capable of interacting with our cloud based experience sampling platform movisensXS.
Click here to discover more!

Follow us on Twitter
movisens is now also on twitter! Follow us to be always up to date

Ambulatory Assessment workshop with Prof. Ulrich Ebner-Priemer

movisens, together with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ebner-Priemer will hold a workshop on Ambulatory Assessment in Karlsruhe on the 6th and 7th of April 2017. The ubiquitous nature of smartphones allows electronic diaries to be increasingly useful in psychological research. This data collection method, referred to as Experience Sampling Method or Ecological Momentary Assessment, can also collect physiological data to complement and refine the subjective parameters.

The workshop seeks to provide the participants an overview of the possibilities of ambulatory assessments, including the difficulties and key considerations. The theory part of the workshop covers the background principles from a scientific point of view. Subsequently, participants will have an opportunity to program and design their own e-diary studies in movisensXS under the guidance of the movisens team. A brief evaluation of the data using SPSS will follow.

movisens looks forward to seeing you all at the workshop, where we can discuss the exciting new topics and developing field of Ambulatory Assessments.

Capture the answers when it matters – SensorTrigger

Now it’s finally possible… capturing Experience Sampling data in sync with physiological parameters!

Previously discovering any relationships between physiological and subjective data would require cross referencing the information after the study. What if we said you can now detect heart rate and have it trigger a form? Or even psychological stress? Or you’d like to track Activity Levels? We’ve got you covered with that and more…

Click here to discover more!

Upcoming Events

To learn how sensor triggering can unlock greater insights in your research visit our stand at the following conferences:

movisensXS Updates December 2016

We are happy to announce another huge update to the movisensXS Platform.

This update is all about the participant experience.
Please read the following changes carefully!

The update of the movisensXS app (Version 1.1) will happen tomorrow, 02.12.2016.
As always, if you are running a productive study, if possible, please disable auto-updates.

Participant Feedback about the Study Process

If you define a start and end date for a participant in a study the participant now gets feedback in the app showing him when the study will start and when it is ended.

This also helps to see if a smartphone is not performing correctly.

Improved margins when using images together with scales

When you show images e.g. above a likert scale with a "Multi Item Screen", the image is aligned to the buttons. We improved the margins of all items to line up nicely in a "Multi Item Screen".

User feedback when starting a large study

We improved the startup speed of a study tremendously. But apart from that we also included a loading screen if the start of the study takes a bit on older devices with large studies. It looks like the following (this is in slow motion).

Starting a Study in Slow-Motion

But there are even more movisensXS app improvements

  • Improved barcode scanner
  • Improved random time trigger to work in cases of restart
  • Decreased amount of permissions on startup
  • Improved margins for images and likert scales
  • Improved User Interface with consistent card buttons
  • Added Android Nougat (Android 7) support
  • Added indicator for study state at homescreen
  • Added a possibility to send log information to developer
  • Added indicators in WebViews
  • Prevent user from double clicking buttons
  • Back button now usable in informed consent
  • Automatic cancelling of concurrent alarms
  • Fixed various bugs

And some improvements of beta features

  • Added sampling nodes (notifications, sampling running, check mutable value action)
  • Added new items (offline video and timer)
  • Fixed null results at cognitive library items
  • Added movisens sync service to gather data from triggerapp
Get it on Google Play

As always, let us know if you have any questions. Please spread the word and tell your colleagues about our great new features.

movisensXS July 2016 Update

This update is all about privacy and improving the experience for the participant. Please read the following changes carefully!

The update of the web portal will happen on Monday on 04.06.2016 at 22:00 o'clock (UTC+1, Berlin time zone). There will be a planned downtime of about 30 minutes. 

The update of the movisensXS app (Version 1.0) will happen in approximately two weeks. The beta version will roll out tomorrow. As always, if you are running a productive study, if possible, please disable auto-updates for the movisensXS App because the new user interface of movisensXS may confuse your participants. This is especially important on Android 5+ smartphones with activated "Lock Other Apps" functionality, because running studies are stopped when the update is installed automatically and a new permission has to be granted to continue the study.
This version is the last version supporting smartphones with an Android version below 4.0. If you use a older smartphone please check if an Android update is available.

Informed Consent

We added an informed consent start screen to the movisensXS app. When a participant starts a study he has to review and accept the following:

  • An informed consent that you can define for your study in the study settings (optional).
  • An informed consent from movisens, that gives us the approval to process the data of the participant. We also allow participants to opt-out of our app crash reporting provider Crashlytics.
  • A screen that lists all the required permissions in your study. This gives the participant transparency about the data that is acquired during your study. On Android 6 and above the participant has to grant some of these permissions manually and we guide the participants through the process of granting them so your study can run smoothly.  

The following shows the new behavior when a study is started:

This behavior only applies to studies that are not yet coupled to smartphones. Already coupled studies or studies with an older app do not show these screens, except for Android 6 Smartphones.

Better Alarm and Forms handling

From the home screen a participant can directly take an alarm or continue a form. These are shown as cards on the home screen.

Improvements of the web portal

  • More and more private smartphones of participants are used. This is why we removed the "Smartphones" tab in the web portal. We no longer store any device specific ids. Please backup your device IDs if you need to know which participant used which Smartphone.
  • The results table changed: The "Device" column is removed and the columns "Trigger_date" and "Trigger_time" are added. This allows checking when an alarm was issued and when a participant started to complete a form.
  • We also updated our terms of service to improve the privacy even further. The new terms of service will be available after the update here:
  • An updated item format gallery with new images will be available after the update:

But there are even more movisensXS app improvements

  • We added support for Android 6 Marshmallow (permissions and alarms)
  • Phone numbers are now hashed by movisensXS generated identifier (hashes stay the same per participant).
  • Minor UI changes for the toolbar buttons
  • Changed look and feel of button pressed to new card design
  • Added new lock other apps mechanism to support newer devices
  • Overflow menus will now be shown on every device
  • Back button can now be used to go back in message view
  • Retry upload of results automatically if no internet connection was available.
  • Added imprint and terms of service in settings
  • Added privacy enhancements for Android 6 (no autobackup allowed)
  • Added new barcode scanning
  • Added SART cognitive test
  • Fixed bug where photos and videos aren't deleted after upload to server
  • Fixed bug where movisens is restarted after an app receives an update (now only when movisensXS receives an update)
  • Fixed bug with battery low condition
  • Fixed back button wasn't disabled bug when allowBack was false
  • Fixed bug with whitespaces in mutable value names
  • Fixed autocorrect bug on motorola razer
  • Fixed validation of IntentAction
  • Fixed emoticon problems in free textfields
  • Fixed scrolling behaviour on large textitems
  • Fixed coupledialog
  • Fixed memory leaks
  • Changed to Google maps v2
  • Changed to Google Play Services 8.1

And some improvements of beta features

  • Participant defined time triggers can now be repeated and saved as mutable items
  • Added Geofence Trigger
  • Optimized location algorithm for new Google Play Services

Yeah, what a release. As always, let us know if you have any questions. Please spread the word and tell your colleagues about our great new features.

movisensXS August Update

Today we released some smaller user interface improvements to the movisensXS web page. The green action buttons (e.g. for adding participants) moved to the top right of the page.

Today we released some smaller user interface improvements to the movisensXS web page. The green action buttons (e.g. for adding participants) moved to the top right of the page.

New Android version coming

We are currently preparing a new movisensXS app release which will be distributed to beta users beginning today and will be released to all users on 4th of September! This new version will bring a completely redesigned questionnaire user interface. It looks exactly the same on all of the over 10,000 supported android devices! This new version will also change the way participants get alarms. They come as notifications, which is better for the compliance if a participant uses his own smartphone. These new alarms can now also be muted by setting the phone to silent mode. In full screen mode, the behavior is still the same as it was before this new version.


Other upcoming app Improvements

  • Introducing participant friendly notification system for alarms. These alarms can now also be muted by setting the phone to silent mode.
  • Participants can now configure the alarm sound and font size
  • Beautiful new user interface for all android versions
  • Added new participant onboarding
  • Participant can couple with a study by clicking on a link
  • Longer texts can be shown in the random word item
  • Removed possibility to select old files in multimedia items
  • Update to google play services 7.5.0
  • Optimization for Android Lollipop and M
  • Fixed bugs with music player on HTC One V
  • Improved random time triggers
  • Added possiblity to let the participant define a trigger time
  • Compatible with Android Version 2.3+
Full Changlog:

Interactive Ambulatory Assessment – Project

Dr. Verkuil & Dr. Brosschot from Leiden University will use heart rate variability (HRV) to investigate the impact of psychological stress on physiological stress. It is therefore important to measure the psychological stress at moments when people are also likely to be physiologically stressed. In their project, all periods of HRV that are not explained by physical activity will be detected. Each non-metabolic induced HRV decrease period will trigger a smartphone app that asks subjects to indicate what they are currently thinking and doing and how they are currently feeling. The aim of this study is to test if stress cognition is increased during periods of HRV decrease compared to random neutral episodes. Leiden University realizes this highly innovative project using movisens ecgMove 3 and movisensXS.