movisensXS Updates December 2016
We are happy to announce another huge update to the movisensXS Platform.
This update is all about the participant experience.
Please read the following changes carefully!
The update of the movisensXS app (Version 1.1) will happen tomorrow, 02.12.2016.
As always, if you are running a productive study, if possible, please disable auto-updates.
Participant Feedback about the Study Process
If you define a start and end date for a participant in a study the participant now gets feedback in the app showing him when the study will start and when it is ended.
This also helps to see if a smartphone is not performing correctly.
Improved margins when using images together with scales
When you show images e.g. above a likert scale with a "Multi Item Screen", the image is aligned to the buttons. We improved the margins of all items to line up nicely in a "Multi Item Screen".
User feedback when starting a large study
We improved the startup speed of a study tremendously. But apart from that we also included a loading screen if the start of the study takes a bit on older devices with large studies. It looks like the following (this is in slow motion).
Starting a Study in Slow-Motion
But there are even more movisensXS app improvements
- Improved barcode scanner
- Improved random time trigger to work in cases of restart
- Decreased amount of permissions on startup
- Improved margins for images and likert scales
- Improved User Interface with consistent card buttons
- Added Android Nougat (Android 7) support
- Added indicator for study state at homescreen
- Added a possibility to send log information to developer
- Added indicators in WebViews
- Prevent user from double clicking buttons
- Back button now usable in informed consent
- Automatic cancelling of concurrent alarms
- Fixed various bugs
And some improvements of beta features
- Added sampling nodes (notifications, sampling running, check mutable value action)
- Added new items (offline video and timer)
- Fixed null results at cognitive library items
- Added movisens sync service to gather data from triggerapp
As always, let us know if you have any questions. Please spread the word and tell your colleagues about our great new features.