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Als ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für Lösungen im ambulanten Assessment baut movisens sein Vertriebsnetzwerk stetig aus, und freut sich, ihnen neue Partner vorstellen zu können, die den Vertrieb unserer Produkte unterstützen.

Eine Übersicht über unsere Distributoren finden sie hier.

Capture the answers when it matters – SensorTrigger

Now it’s finally possible… capturing Experience Sampling data in sync with physiological parameters!

Previously discovering any relationships between physiological and subjective data would require cross referencing the information after the study. What if we said you can now detect heart rate and have it trigger a form? Or even psychological stress? Or you’d like to track Activity Levels? We’ve got you covered with that and more…

Click here to discover more!

Upcoming Events

To learn how sensor triggering can unlock greater insights in your research visit our stand at the following conferences:

movisens-Workshop auf dem HEPA-Symposium in Karlsruhe

Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) lädt zusammen mit HEPA Europe (European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity) alle Interessierten zum diesjährigen HEPA-Symposium ein. Das Symposium findet vom 29. bis 30. März 2017 am Sportinstitut des KIT mit dem Fokus auf “Physical activity and physical fitness as determinants of health in children and adolescents” statt. Das Ziel dieses Symposiums ist der wissenschaftliche Austausch zwischen den Forschenden hinsichtlich körperlicher Aktivität und Fitness. Durch einzelne (Poster-)Präsentationen, Vorträge und Workshops sollen neueste Forschungsergebnisse und neue Messmethoden der Community vorgestellt werden. movisens wird hierbei einen Workshop zum Thema „Methods for interactive ambulatory assessment of physical activity and lifestyle“ durchführen und freut sich, Sie hierbei als Teilnehmer begrüßen zu dürfen. Ebenfalls würden wir uns freuen, wenn wir mit Ihnen während des Symposiums über Möglichkeiten des (Interaktiven) Ambulanten Assessments diskutieren und uns austauschen könnten.

Neue White Paper verfügbar

We've just added a few white papers to our website that we thought you may find interesting.

Energy Expenditure

First is a validation paper on the energy expenditure calculation of the Move II (now superceded by the Move 3). Some manufacturers are still utilising basic linear regression models to calculate the energy expeniture in their activity sensors. This paper demonstrates the advantages of utilising an activity class based algorithm vs. a basic linear regression to obtain a more accurate estimation of energy expenditure. It's somewhat old news, but it's good to remind everyone occasionaly of the superiority of our activity based method over the basic linear regression model.

White Paper Move II Validation Energy Expenditure

R-Peak Detection

Secondly we have a validation of the R-peak detection capabilities of the EkgMove (now superceded by the EcgMove 3). This paper puts the EkgMove through it's paces by introducing movement artefacts and validating the detection capabilities in reference to the Somnoscreen plus.

White Paper Validity of R-Peak Detection


The measurement of arousal using Electro Dermal Activity (Galvanic Skin Response) is often hindered by factors like movement, temperature and exercise. This paper highlights the benefits of capturing activity data in addition to EDA/GSR. It details a method that can isolate the emotional arousal component of EDA/GSR using our EdaMove sensor.

White paper EdaMove Effects of Stimuli